A couple of years ago I decided to pull the trigger and begin coaching Youth Soccer. A lot has changed since then and I decided it was time I started to record some of these events. I want to start with why I'm beginning this blog.
I grew up playing soccer. I've always loved it. I played, watched and reffed soccer. I am the son of a soccer coach. I read the activity books. The lesson plans. I was there when my dad did his D license. I was there when he passed out every night after C license. I attended the state soccer festival where he was awarded coach of the year... and then I stopped playing.
I stopped watching.
I stopped reffing.
I missed it.
I went through college (or tried to anyhow). Started a family. Started my career. All without soccer in my life. Nearly 12 years went by with me wanting to get back into soccer. A life changing event occurred. I lost my job and had to move halfway across the country to keep food ont he table. A new city. New community. New friends. It was time to get back into soccer.
I started playing again, in an adult league. I asked around and found some local youth clubs. Not knowing anyone in soccer I didn't really know where to look.
A coworker finally got wind of me asking about coaching soccer. He had just been contacted about his son's team. They did not have a coach. He wanted to know if I was interested. I contacted the club and through what I can only describe as a mountain of miscommunication ended up an assistant coach on a U5 team. Fortunately for us both, there were two of us running the practices!
That was nearly 2 years ago to the day, and I haven't looked back since. This blog is going to be the stories of my coaching. The lesson plans that have succeeded, the lesson plans that have failed. It will be my passion. It will be rarely updated if it's anything like my other blogs. It will be fun! See you next time!
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